I've Only Just Begun
My first blog. How many other people feel compelled to state that as their first sentence? Nothing profound or entertaining to state at the moment. I am anticipating some sort of 'mind dump' like when I write my morning pages (still long-hand).
I may have only just begun my first blog, but I have been creating my own reality all my life - just like everyone else. One difference may be that I have been consciously creating it for most of my life, thanks to my 'new age' parents back in the 60's and 70's.
Maybe this space will inspire me to resurrect my creative/artistic/materially expressive self. Over the last year I have spent more time with my spiritual, intellectual, analytical and learning/seeking selves.
I just might also record all my synchronistic moments, and aha moments, and even the everyday family, kid, wife, friend, mom moments. For now, this is enough. And I am enough.
I may have only just begun my first blog, but I have been creating my own reality all my life - just like everyone else. One difference may be that I have been consciously creating it for most of my life, thanks to my 'new age' parents back in the 60's and 70's.
Maybe this space will inspire me to resurrect my creative/artistic/materially expressive self. Over the last year I have spent more time with my spiritual, intellectual, analytical and learning/seeking selves.
I just might also record all my synchronistic moments, and aha moments, and even the everyday family, kid, wife, friend, mom moments. For now, this is enough. And I am enough.